Powell Street Craft Brewery


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95 Pounds of Wethop Goodness
Fresh “Wet” Hop Ale

Amarillo Sour
American-Style Sour Ale

Azacca Ale
Golden or Blonde Ale

Belgian Witbier w/ Ginger and Cardamom
Belgian-Style White (or Wit) / Belgian-Style Wheat

Belma Flew Into The Citra Galaxy ISA
Session Beer

Brett Aged Azacca Ale
French & Belgian-Style Saison

Cumulus Lupulus
American-Style Sour Ale

Dive Bomb Porter
Brown Porter

Double IPA (DIPA)
Imperial or Double India Pale Ale

Hopdemonium IPA
American-Style India Pale Ale

Lazy D’Haze
Other Strong Ale or Lager

Le Vagabond
French & Belgian-Style Saison

Ode to Citra Pale Ale
American-Style Pale Ale

Old Jalopy Pale Ale
American-Style Pale Ale

Sour Saison
French & Belgian-Style Saison

American-Style Stout

American-Style Stout

White IPA (WIPA)
American-Style India Pale Ale

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